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Joined: 11 May 2006 Posts: 32637
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:00 pm Post subject: Tech Time Warp of the Week: Before Facebook, Prodigy Gave U |
Long before Mark Zuckerberg unleashed his social network from a Harvard dorm room -- even before the internet as we know it took shape -- people were connecting with each other through phone-line-and-modem-powered online services like CompuServe, America Online, and Prodigy. In many ways, these highly pixelated computer portals of the '80s and '90s were the forebears of the modern social network. <div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'> </td></tr></table></div><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/>
Source: Wired Top Stories
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