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Joined: 11 May 2006 Posts: 32637
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:00 am Post subject: Investigating the Galaxy Nexus LTE Signal Issue |
<p id="somethoughtsongalaxynexusltesignalissues">
It seems that each time an LTE handset comes out, there’s invariably some perceived issue with connectivity and stability. This time, focus is being placed on Verizon’s CDMA/LTE variant of the Galaxy Nexus, and the issue surrounds LTE connectivity robustness compared to the other LTE handsets out there.</p>
<p align="center">
I’ve been running battery life tests on our LTE Galaxy Nexus review unit since release day (a process that takes a considerable amount of time and results in our reviews posting a while behind everyone else’s), but have had some time to run tests and gauge subjective performance. I found that LTE connectivity and performance felt above average, subjectively, and noted that in a tweet. After complaints started to surface, I spent a considerable amount of time reading the threads on XDA and other places around the web trying to discern what the complaints are about. I’ve seen a couple of big misconceptions that I think really get to the heart of the matter.</p>
Read on for our investigation!</p>
Source: AnandTech
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