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Humble Daily 11 of 14: Dungeon Crawling RPGs

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 PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:00 am    Post subject: Humble Daily 11 of 14: Dungeon Crawling RPGs Reply with quote Back to top

<p align="center"></p><p><p>
We&rsquo;re nearing the end of the two weeks of daily Humble Bundles; so far we&rsquo;ve had a couple bundles that were repeats, with most of the bundles being smaller bundles of indie games. Today&rsquo;s update consists of three RPGs, two that are a bit more in-depth and one that&rsquo;s a shorter rogue-like game that can be played in approximate 10-minute intervals. Here&rsquo;s the quick summary:</p>
Paper Sorcerer (74%, 11/2013): a first-person turn-based RPG similar to the old Wizardry and Might and Magic games, this is a true retro RPG that began life as a Kickstarter. The graphics are black-and-white (think pages in a book), which is part of the story line. If you like old-school RPGs, there&rsquo;s plenty of that here.</li>
Legend of Grimock (82%, 04/2012): similar in many ways to Paper Sorcerer in that this is another old-school RPG in the vein of Might and Magic, with death being an early companion &ndash; so save often! Graphics are nice, putting the Unreal Engine to good effect. Donations that beat the current average ($3.57) will unlock this game.</li>
Desktop Dungeons (82%, 10/2010, 11/2013): the final game is a rogue-like puzzle game of dungeon crawling, with each session giving you a dungeon to explore. In some ways it seems similar to Paper Dungeons, but there are plenty of differences. The game initially launched as a free game way back in 2010, but it has since been updated in a variety of ways and is now a fancier &ndash; and pricier &ndash; game. A minimum donation of $10 is required to unlock.</li>
As a long-time RPG player (yes, I actually played the original Wizardry and Might and Magic games), this bundle is more my style than some of the other bundles, so this is one I&rsquo;m planning to buy. All of the games have received decent reviews, and while the total bundle value is &ldquo;only&rdquo; around $35, that&rsquo;s still one third the price for three games I&rsquo;d like to play. If you have a similar hankering for classic RPGs, there are far worse ways you could spend $10. And I&rsquo;m sorry if this is a bit late, but there are still 14 hours remaining; happy dungeoneering!</p>
<div>Gallery: Humble Daily 11 of 14: Dungeon Crawling RPGs<div></div></div></p>


Source: AnandTech
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