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Build-A-Rig Round 1, Zotac vs. Corsair: The $1500 PC Build

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 PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:00 pm    Post subject: Build-A-Rig Round 1, Zotac vs. Corsair: The $1500 PC Build Reply with quote Back to top

<p>In early July we introduced our new Build-A-Rig project. The aim of the project, with help from our partners Newegg, is to approach the companies that make up the personal computing industry and ask them to create a list of components within a certain budget and aimed at a particular user base. Aside from that there are no rules, and at the end of the day the systems would be built and tested by AnandTech to be given away to our readers along with interviews with the individuals from the companies who we work with about the state of the PC industry and their chosen components. This round is our first, and we spoke to Chinny Chuang from Zotac and Dustin Sklavos from Corsair to specify a system to match that a $1500 single monitor gaming system. Zotac went for style, Corsair went for power, and we carefully dissected each component chosen. Before we get to the performance numbers, we had a look at just how easy these two systems were to build, in the form of build logs.</p>
<p align="center"><img src='' border='0' alt='' /></p>


Source: AnandTech
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