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Humble Day 5: Team 17 Revisited

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 PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:00 am    Post subject: Humble Day 5: Team 17 Revisited Reply with quote Back to top

<p align="center"></p><p><p>
It looks like many of the bundles in this &ldquo;two weeks of daily bundles&rdquo; are going to be previously used bundles. I&rsquo;m okay with that, as there are plenty of people &ndash; including me &ndash; that missed out on some of these. Today for instance we have a return to Team 17, which we saw last October. Here&rsquo;s the list of games, as usual, grouped by pricing and sorted alphabetically:</p>
Pay $1 or more:</p>
Superfrog HD (56%, 11/2013): retro platformer in the vein of Super Mario Bros, updated to HD</li>
Worms Blast (73%, 11/2002): a puzzler/action hybrid similar to Bust-a-Move (if you can remember that one)</li>
Worms Crazy Golf (~60%, 10/2011): miniature golf variant with Worms&rsquo; shenanigans</li>
Worms Pinball (~60%, 10/2011): a 3D pinball game, but with only one table it can get stale</li>
Worms Ultimate Mayhem (66%, 09/2011): a 3D &ldquo;modernized&rdquo; Worms game that consists of updated versions of Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem</li>
$6 or more adds:</p>
Worms Armageddon (~86%, 05/1999): the classis 2D &ldquo;artillery duel&rdquo; Worms gameplay</li>
Donations of $10 or more also receive:</p>
Alien Breed: Impact (64%, 06/2010): top-down third person shooter, with multiplayer support</li>
Alien Breed 2: Assault (63%, 09/2010): the three part series continues&hellip;</li>
Alien Breed 3: Descent (64%, 11/2010): &hellip;and here&rsquo;s the concluding chapter</li>
Worms Clan Wars (73%, 08/2013): in many ways, this is a modern, reimagined Worms Armageddon</li>
Worms Revolution Gold &ndash; includes 4 DLC packs (73%, 10/2012): 3D graphics with 2D gameplay; a return to the core Worms gameplay</li>
The total price for all of these if purchased at normal Steam prices would be nearly $150, so in terms of strict value there&rsquo;s a lot to offer here. There&rsquo;s also a lot of repetition as the Worms games can all start to feel a bit &ldquo;same-old, same old&rdquo;, though variants like golf and pinball help break things up a bit. It&rsquo;s telling that some of the highest ratings come from the oldest games in the series as well &ndash; Worms Armageddon is 15 years old now, which might be older than a few of our readers, and Worms Blast is coming up on 12 years old.</p>
It&rsquo;s worth nothing that all of these are Steam codes, and the games are for Windows only. I think Team 17 could get a lot more traction if they would port these to Android and include those in the bundle, but perhaps another day. The charity donation options continue to be Child&rsquo;s Play and American Red Cross, and I suspect doing daily bundles will end up bringing in far more money than a single bundle running for fourteen days, so it will be interesting to see if Humble changes their approach in the future based on the results of these daily bundles.</p>
<div>Gallery: Humble Day 5: Team 17 Revisited<div></div></div></p><p align="center"><img src='' border='0' alt='' /></p>


Source: AnandTech
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